LioniX International and the University of Twente will participate at ECOC 2021 presenting the publication "Programmable Integrated Microwave Photonic Filter using a Modulation Transformer and a Double-Injection Ring Resonator". More specifically, Okky Daulay, Gaojian Liu, Roel Botter and David Marpaung from the University of Twente, together with Marcel Hoekman, Edwin Klein and Chris Roeloffzen from LioniX International and Jose Capmany from Universitat Politècnica de València will demonstrate a new kind of integrated Si3N4 microwave photonic (MWP) signal processor that combines a programmable modulation transformer (MT) with a versatile double-injection ring resonator (DI-RR). With this circuit, we show an array of MWP filtering functions unmatched by traditional MWP circuits.
📅 Wednesday 15 September 🕒 09:15 - 09:30 📍 Room B
- 904